A new year is here and with it, for many comes the desire to get back to fitness routines and don a pair of trainers to hit the road for a run.
Here’s how not to make it a troublesome one for your joints and muscles…
When running for longer than usual and pushing your body that little bit more it might result in unwanted injuries. You
should always listen to your body’ natural resistance and follow these tips for a safe and effective wind down after your run:
Don’t Stop Moving
Keep gently mobile right after your run. Try regular walking for 5-10 minutes; it might be the last thing you feel like after running a few miles but remaining static should be avoided at all
costs to avoid injuries.
Applying ice to specific injuries such as problems with joints is highly recommended. This is most effective when the ice is applied immediately after a run but still works when applied a few
days following.
Taking a hot bath after a long run is ideal for strained muscles. It also helps with overall rejuvenation and relaxation, which is often needed after a strenuous or draining stretch.
Food For Thought
What we put in our bodies pre and post run is particularly important. Snack regularly, ideally on something that is high in carbohydrates, low in fat, which contains some protein; for example, a
tuna sandwich is ideal. Ensuring you drink lots of fluids is also another very important factor for runners to remember. Water is of course an excellent choice when it comes to keeping well
hydrated but there are plenty of other options out there, too, such as sports drinks and gels. Remember: after finishing your run, rehydrate as soon as possible, preferably within the first hour
and always refrain from drinking alcohol until fully rehydrated.
With the growing popularity of community-based races and charity half marathons, more and more people are taking up running for fun. While running is associated with a lot of health and general wellness benefits, some athletes experience overuse injuries while running and training. One of these is exercise-related leg pain (ERLP), otherwise known as shin splints, with pain between the knee and ankle during or after exercise.
M Reinking, T Austin, and A Hayes (2013) looked into the prevalence of ERLP in adult runners and how the pain affected their running and daily activities. They also analysed risk factors to determine who is most likely to have leg pain from running. Out of over 200 runners, more than 50% of the runners reported at least one episode in the past year. Of this group, about 40% said that the leg pain interfered with running. They found that the most significant risk factor was previous leg injury or pain and participants who had less than three years experience running were at greater risk than more experienced runners. Those who ran less than 15 miles per week were more likely to suffer leg pain than those running more. The greatest occurrence was among amateur runners who raced at a pace of 9 minutes per mile or greater.
A trigger point is a hypersensitive, nodal point of muscle that can refer pain in specific patterns (Travell and Simon's Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction Vols 1 & 2) depending on if they are active or latent. Trigger points can build up due to an acute overload/injury, or chroinic overload such as repetative strain injuries.
This can be caused by a change in technique, increased training, or faulty mechanics in a joint or muscle (scar tissue etc). Trigger points weaken and shorten the muscle, effecting both strength and endurance. This in turn leads to further dysfunction in the surrounding tissues and joints as they compensate and are over loaded. Further trigger points then form in a snowball effect.
‘Snapping hip’ or coxa saltans/iliopsoas tendinitis/dancer's hip describes an audible snapping or popping noise as the hip moves from flexion (knee toward waist) to extension (knee down and hip joint straightened). After extended exercise pain or discomfort may be present caused by inflammation of the iliopsoas bursae. Pain often decreases with rest and diminished activity.
The more common lateral extra-articular type of snapping hip syndrome occurs when the iliotibial band, tensor fascia lata, or gluteus medius tendon slides back and forth across the greater trochanter.
Less commonly seen medial extra-articular type is caused by the iliopsoas tendon catching on the anterior inferior iliac spine(AIIS), the lesser trochanter, or the iliopectineal ridge during hip extension, as the tendon moves from an anterior lateral (front, side) to a posterior medial (back, middle) position.
‘Snapping Hip’ syndrome is commonly associated with a leg length difference (usually the long side is symptomatic), tightness in the iliotibial band(ITB) on the involved side, weakness in hip abductors and external rotators, poor lumbopelvic stability and abnormal foot mechanics (Overpronation). Intra-articular can also be indicative of injury such as a torn acetabular labrum, recurrent hip subluxation, ligamentum teres tears, loose bodies, articular cartilage damage, or synovial chondromatosis (cartilage formations in the synovial membrane of the joint).
The more rapid the onset and the more acute the onset, the more likely it is that this could represent a stress fracture. Stress fractures are subtle fractures that occur in the bone as a result of putting too much constant stress on the bone, to the point where the bone starts to break — initially at a microscopic level. Stress fractures are common in athletes or runners who have changed their training schedules, increased the amount of time that they are playing or running… or simply bad luck. The pain from a stress fracture will typically be present from the first step you take on the court or the road.
A compartment syndrome is characterised by having too much pressure in the muscle compartments in our leg. Our muscles are surrounded by very tough tissue we call fascia, it is not very flexible and some runners or athletes experience muscle swelling during activities. If this swelling is significant enough, the fascia will squeeze or put pressure on the muscle. This reduces blood flow to the muscle and the muscle will fatigue rapidly and start to hurt. People with compartment syndromes typically have no pain at the start of their run/game, but at some point during the run/game pain will start and steadily build. You will typically need to stop your activity to relieve the pain. Sometimes compartment syndrome can become so chronic and severe that it requires surgery to reduce the pressure, so best to get it looked at by chiropractor as soon as possible for prevention.
The pain from shin splints or medial tibial stress syndrome tends to build gradually and is a form of compartment syndrome. You can usually initiate a run, or a game and then the pain begins shortly thereafter, or possible after the game or run itself. Medial tibial stress syndrome (or ‘shin splints’) is characterised by pain along the lower part of your leg or tibia, and the pain is along the inner border of the tibia. This is a very common cause of disability in runners and they often develop after sudden changes in physical activity, such as running longer distances or on hills, or increasing the number of days you exercise each week. Flat feet (weak arches) are another factor that can contribute to increased stress on the lower leg muscles during exercising.
Tendonitis (tendon inflammation), or Tendinosis (degeneration of the tendon) is a very common issue sports medicine specialists see in sports and runners. One of the most commonly affected tendons is the achilles. If the tendon, a few inches above your ankle joint is tender, but you do not feel or see any nodules you are most likely suffering from a form of tendonitis or peri-tendonitis where the tendon itself, or the tissue around it is inflamed from chronic use. Achilles tendinosis is caused by a chronic tendonitis, causing nodules or enlargement of your tendon that is tender to touch, diagnostic ultrasound can confirm the diagnosis. Chronic achilles tendinosis causes scar tissue and weakening of the tendon, which can potentially lead to rupture.
Chiropractic care, Shockwave Therapy, and Sports Massage have been shown to be a great option for athletes in both treating and preventing sports injuries and pain. One such study found that chiropractic treatments led to less muscle strains in the legs. Another study showed that chiropractic adjustments improved athletic performance among competitive athletes (references below). Through soft tissue techniques and spinal manipulation, combined with advice, we can work to prevent injury occurrence.
Botelho, Marcelo and Bruno Andrade. “Effect of Cervical Spine Manipulative Therapy on Judo Athletes’ Grip Strength. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapies. 2011; 35(11): 38-44.
Hoskins W, Pollard H. The effect of a sports chiropractic manual therapy intervention on the prevention of back pain, hamstring and lower limb injuries in semi-elite Australian Rules footballers: a randomized control trial. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2010;11:64.
Reinking M, Austin T, Hayes A. A survey of exercise-related leg pain in community runners. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy 2013; 8(3): 269-276.
Sciatica is a commonly used term to refer to that sharp shooting pain down the back of your leg. It is, however, a symptom of an underlying cause, not a diagnosis itself. In this post we will explore some of the different possible causes of this uncomfortable symptom..
Many causes for sciatica are nothing to be concerned about and can be treated and generally ease with time, despite being uncomfortable and often painful. However, in some cases the cause for sciatica can be more sinister and require attention immediately.
If you’re experiencing sciatica in both legs, have a weakness or numbness in both legs that is progressing, have numbness in the saddle area (genitals), bowel and bladder changes, seek medical attention immediately.
A common cause of sciatic nerve compression is when discs between the spinal vertebra herniate. In many cases this won’t interfere with the nerve roots exiting the spinal canal, and they may result in just lower back pain or be asymptomatic. However, If a herniated disc pushes onto a nearby nerve root, you will likely experience some nerve pain that will follow the path of this nerve. If this is in the low back, the pain commonly refers down the back of the leg via the sciatic nerve (S1).
Disc herniations are most common in the bottom few spinal levels, so can also affect other nerve roots which will cause leg pain in different locations. This allows us to diagnose which levels might be affected, alongside neurological testing of reflexes, sensation & muscle strength.
The central canal of the spine can become narrowed and put pressure on the spinal cord, often seen in older age groups where the spine is more prone to degenerative changes. Often lumbar spinal stenosis is asymptomatic, but it can result in irritation of the sciatic nerve and cause leg pain too!
In these cases leg pain is often worse with back extension, prolonged standing and walking. Often progressing in its' intensity until you rest or bend forward. It is also called neurogenic claudication.
Symptoms are typically in both legs accompanied by lower back pain, with numbness and tingling present in the majority of patients.
The piriformis muscle runs from the bottom of your spine (sacrum) to your hip crossing the path of the sciatic nerve. In some people the sciatic nerve runs through this muscle, and in these cases, the sciatic nerve may be more prone to irritation.
If the piriformis muscle becomes overused, irritated or inflamed, it can compress the nearby nerve resulting in sciatic nerve irritation and the leg pain you may be experiencing. Typically patients experience:
The good news is chiropractic care may be able to help. Sciatic pain and its causes are conditions that chiropractors are trained to treat and see regularly in clinic.
During a chiropractic consultation we will take a detailed case history, conduct a thorough physical and neurological exam to localise the cause of your pain. We will then work together to create a personalised treatment and rehabilitation plan. If needed we can also organise a referral for imaging or another appropriate care provider if chiropractic isn’t suitable for you at this time.
The classic chiropractic spinal manipulation is not always an appropriate treatment for our patients, especially those with acute disc prolapses. Below are some different techniques that our chiropractors might use to help you with your sciatica symptoms.
Flexion-distraction is a form of traction that gently mobilises and stretches your spine, gaping your vertebrae and opening up the spaces where the nerves are getting compressed.
As well as stenosis and disc herniations, flexion-distraction can be used to treat many other causes of lower back pain. It can reduce pain and stiffness associated with osteoarthritis and can be helpful if you have sacroiliac syndrome, ankylosing spondylitis, sprains, and strains. It's also very effective in treating muscle spasms or low back pain unrelated to a specific condition. The technique is gentle enough to use after spinal surgery and can be a safe therapy option for those who have osteoporosis.
In a study published in The Journal of Physical Therapy Science, researchers examined the effects of flexion-distraction manipulation on patients with lumbar spinal stenosis. Study participants who received flexion-distraction manipulation as part of their treatment experienced a greater reduction of their painful symptoms than those patients whose treatment did not include the technique.
NCBI: Journal of Physical Therapy Science: Effects of Flexion-Distraction Manipulation Therapy on Pain and Disability in Patients with Lumbar Spinal Stenosis, 30/6/15
Acupuncture stimulates the nerves in skin and muscle, producing a variety of effects. It increases the body's release of natural painkillers, endorphins and serotonin, in the pain pathways of both the spinal cord and the brain. This modifies the way that pain is felt.
Modern research shows that acupuncture can affect most of the body's systems including; the nervous system and muscle tone.
This can be a useful tool to help patients struggling with neurological pain, and to relax muscle spasms.
Information obtained from the British Medical Acupuncture Society, cited 02/06/14
To find out more about your sciatic pain and whether chiropractic treatment could help, book an appointment today.
Exercise has benefits for nearly everybody. It is effective both as a treatment and for prevention of disease. Here’s four ways you can help yourself by getting moving!
It’s thought that remembering steps and making split-second adjustments to your movements stimulates the brain’s ability to make new connections between cells. Music itself is believed to have a therapeutic effect, and the social interaction involved in dancing helps boost mental health.
Regular dancing is linked to a 76% reduction in the likelihood of developing dementia, according to US researchers, who studied the link between leisure activities and dementia risk.[1]
Dancing is also beneficial for dementia patients. A New Zealand study found that older adults with dementia appeared to have experienced an improved quality of life after exposure to music and dance. [2]
It doesn’t matter which step you do, so choose a dance type you enjoy, whether that’s waltz, salsa or something else. There are other proven mental health benefits of dance, including a reduced risk of depression and anxiety. Dancing also can affect your mood by raising levels of our natural feel-good hormones, dopamine and serotonin.
[1] https://blogs.biomedcentral.com/bmcseriesblog/2016/04/04/keep-dancing-turns-good-brain/
[2] https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/08/190808091401.htm
Cycling can hold back the effects of ageing and rejuvenate the immune system, a study has found.[1]
Scientists at the University of Birmingham found cyclists aged 54-79 produced more immune cells (T-cells), the production of which usually starts to shrink from your 20s. They also preserved muscle mass and strength with age while maintaining stable levels of body fat and cholesterol.
You can integrate it into your lifestyle, simply as part of your movement pattern. Regular moderate exercise is more beneficial than one big weekly workout, so it makes physical and economic sense to incorporate your bike ride into your everyday exercise.
[1] https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2018/mar/08/cycling-keeps-your-immune-system-young-study-finds
A study has shown that moderately intense aerobic exercise, such as walking, reduces the time it takes you to nod off and increases the duration of sleep.[1]
It could in part be due to the release of anxiety-busting brain chemicals such as serotonin, and the rise and subsequent fall in body temperature that helps promote sleep. Walking outside in natural daylight also helps to set your circadian biological clock – your natural sleep-wake cycle, which controls the release of the sleepy hormone melatonin. And it’s not just great for a good night’s sleep. Walking helps to protect against cardiovascular diseases, cancer, bone-thinning osteoporosis, and dementia. It’s also good for our mental health to get outside and see gardens or green spaces, and walking can be sociable too.
[1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5093382/
Regular weight-bearing activity, such as racquet sports, can help maintain bone density. Bone is a living tissue, which grows stronger with the force of our muscles pulling against it. Exercise can help delay the rate of age-related bone density loss. Osteoporosis is a condition where bone density and quality are reduced, and it affects more than two million women in the UK. After the menopause, when the protective effect of oestrogen on the bone is removed, there is often an accelerated rate of bone loss[1]. So playing tennis in later life is a great way to keep bones healthy. Another great reason to play tennis is that it can add 10 years to your life! It’s thought the social side of the game as well as the physical activity boosts longevity.[2]
[1] https://theros.org.uk/information-and-support/bone-health/exercise-for-bones/
[2] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30193744/
'New Year-New You', something a lot of us promise ourselves. There are so many benefits to exercise, whether it's starting by going for a walk or enhancing an existing programme. Read on for many of the benefits you may not have thought of.
Of course with anything new there is always the risk of injury, so read below for the BCA's top tips to avoid injury.
Tim Hutchful, British Chiropractic Association (BCA) chiropractor, comments:
“It’s great to have the will and motivation to get fitter but bear in mind that exercise puts added pressure on our joints and muscles which could cause issues for your back and neck if not
introduced to your body in a safe way.”
So how can you prevent these injuries? The British Chiropractic Association has given the following advice:
It’s All in the Prep
• Before you begin any exercise programme check there are no medical reasons why you cannot commence the activity, particularly if you are not normally physically active.
Consult your GP if in doubt.
• A BCA chiropractor can advise you on how to approach a new exercise routine and tell you what signs to look for if you’re overdoing it.
• Make sure you get the right attire for your chosen activity; clothes that are too tight or inappropriate could constrict your movement leading to injury.
• Have appropriate footwear for the type of exercise you are doing – most specialist sportswear retailers will be able to guide you on this.
• With all exercise, you need to warm up first. Don’t go straight into it, start with lighter movements like walking or jogging to lessen the chance of muscle strain.
1. For Living Longer – Jogging
A US study showed that adults over 65 who ran or jogged for at least 30 minutes 3 times per week were as healthy as young adults in their 20s.[1] This might not sound important, but your walking style is a key indicator of mortality, so the longer you can stay spritely on your feet, the longer and healthier your life should be. Meanwhile, another study found that light jogging (between 70-120 minutes per week) was linked to the lowest mortality rate compared to sedentary people and heavy runners - so little and often is key here. [2]
2: For Improving Memory – Dancing
A study from 2017 found that all exercise can help reverse the signs of ageing in the brain, but dancing more than any other sport.[1] The
study, which focused on adults in their late 60s who took part in a weekly dance class, found that all participants showed an increase in the hippocampus region of the brain, which can be
affected by diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia, as well as more general age-related decline.
3. For Back Pain – Active Therapies
Many GP appointments are connected to muscle and nerve problems- and these are often based in the back. If you suffer with back pain, you will know that it can affect your movement and sleep and leave you feeling quite low. Luckily, help is at hand in the form of gentle stretching. Also, research shows that active therapies, such as chiropractic treatment, are a great option for managing back pain and to create optimal alignment, balance and symmetry.
4. For Depression and Anxiety - Walking
Science agrees - walking outdoors has been linked to a reduction in stress and a boost in mood, particularly for those who have just been through a negative life event such as a serious illness or the loss of a loved one. Brisk walks have also been shown to help women deal with anxiety and stress that's sometimes associated with menopause. Movement helps your brain to release endorphins, the feel-good hormones that can reduce the perception of [pain as well as depression and anxiety.
5. For Bone and Muscle Health – Weight Training
Experts are increasingly suggesting a bit of strength training goes a long way when it comes to better bone and muscle health. As we get older, we start to lose muscle mass, which can leave us prone to falls, as well as making it easier to gain weight. So think of strength training as insurance for your later life. While this could mean leading to lift lightweights, it can also mean strength exercises using your own body weight – such as sit-ups or squats. It’s really never too late to start. A study of 90-year-olds found that 12 weeks of strength training improved their muscle tone, ability to balance, general power and walking speed.
Don’t forget 150 minutes (just over 21 mins daily) is the minimum moderate exercise the NHS recommends for adults to stay healthy! And the best part is, it’s freely available to most of us, small things make a big difference. Movement is the new medicine!
The British Chiropractic Association (BCA) are encouraging parents to straighten out their approach to back care as consumer research shows that 79%* of the UK population has suffered from back / neck pain at some point in their lives – 61%* of those being parents.
The research also shows that over half (55%*) of parents’ back or neck pain has prevented them from lifting or carrying their child. 40%* of
women said their back or neck pain had prevented them from carrying their child’s car seat or carry basket and 40%* of men said that back or neck pain had prevented
them from playing with their child.
Choosing a cot:
Carrying babies:
Carrying toddlers:
In the car:
General Posture Advice:
The British Chiropractic Association (BCA) is urging parents to think about their children’s posture as part of the preparation for the new school term. Whilst stationary and school books are important, it’s how your child carries them that can have the most impact on their health.
According to research from the BCA:
The BCA is calling for more parents to keep an eye on what their children carry around with them on a daily basis.
Tim Hutchful, BCA chiropractor, comments:
“Making sure your child doesn’t suffer from back or neck pain this autumn term can be as simple as checking they aren’t carrying around heavy items with them unnecessarily and that they carry their school bag correctly."
“I see an increasing number of young people complaining of back or neck pain and often it’s due to the weighty bags they carry. As youngsters have more belongings than ever before, like mobile phones and tablets, there’s a tendency for them to overfill their bags but, by doing these two basic things, you could be helping them avoid painful back problems”.
• Keep it light – make sure your child is not carrying any unnecessary excess weight - check that all the items in their bags are essential for the day’s activity.
• Check it out – make sure you know what your child is taking to school with them every day as they may be carrying heavy items with them unnecessarily.
• Choose the right bag - a rucksack is the best option as long as it is carried over both shoulders and the straps are adjusted so that the bag is held close to the back and weight is evenly distributed. If your child has a one-strapped bag, make sure they carry it across the body and alternate which shoulder they carry it on.
• Footwear is key - Make sure your child has good footwear; soft-soled shoes that are supportive and have a good grip will make it easier for the child to carry a school bag.
For more specific advice please consult your chiropractor or physical therapist.
With an increase in the number of people working from home we have seen a surge in problems related to our patients home setup.
Many people find themselves using a computer for a large part of the day, and during these difficult times it's happening even more so.
Incorrect workplace design and layout can contribute to work related injuries (such as repetitive strain injuries), whilst correct chair height, adequate equipment spacing, and good desk posture can help you stay comfortable.
Quick Top Tips
As home working seems likely to continue long term, more patients are considering investing in their own desks and office equipment. For our suggestions on how to set up your workstations, equipment ideas and more, please read on below.
Laptops and Tablets
Laptops were designed for short term or mobile use; however, this portability means that people often use them at an unsuitable work height and this may result in discomfort over a long period. There are several ways to address these problems such as
Spring is here and with it, for many comes the desire to don a pair of trainers and hit the road for a run.
Here’s how not to make it a troublesome one for your joints and muscles…
Spring brings warmer weather and longer days, which is a great incentive to keep on running for longer than usual and push your body that little bit more. Of course reaching your goal is good, but pushing your body too hard might result in unwanted injuries.
You should always listen to your body’ natural resistance and follow these tips for a safe and effective wind down after your run:
Don’t Stop Moving
Keep gently mobile right after your run. Try regular walking for 5-10 minutes; it might be the last thing you feel like after running a few miles but remaining static should be avoided at all
costs to avoid injuries.
Applying ice to specific injuries such as problems with joints is highly recommended. This is most effective when the ice is applied immediately after a run but still works when applied a few
days following.
Taking a hot bath after a long run is ideal for strained muscles. It also helps with overall rejuvenation and relaxation, which is often needed after a strenuous or draining stretch.
Food For Thought
What we put in our bodies pre and post run is particularly important. Snack regularly, ideally on something that is high in carbohydrates, low in fat, which contains some protein; for example, a
tuna sandwich is ideal. Ensuring you drink lots of fluids is also another very important factor for runners to remember. Water is of course an excellent choice when it comes to keeping well
hydrated but there are plenty of other options out there, too, such as sports drinks and gels. Remember: after finishing your run, rehydrate as soon as possible, preferably within the first hour
and always refrain from drinking alcohol until fully rehydrated.
Gardening – Don’t overdo it with the spade or trowel!
As a nation, we love our gardens and spend a considerable amount of time and money on them. As we rush to get those jobs in the garden done, there is a risk that gardeners may injure themselves. What everyone wants is to be fit and healthy enough to actually enjoy sitting in their garden and enjoy the fruits of their labours come summer time, so here are some helpful tips from the British Chiropractic Association.
Gardening – Don’t overdo it with the trowel!
As a nation, we love our gardens and spend a considerable amount of time and money on them. As we rush to get those jobs in the garden done, there is a risk that gardeners may injure themselves. What everyone wants is to be fit and healthy enough to actually enjoy sitting in their garden and enjoy the fruits of their labours come summer time, so here are some helpful tips from the British Chiropractic Association.
Don’t wear clothes that are tight or could constrict your movement.
Warm Up
Gardening is like any other exercise; you need to warm up first. Don’t go straight into heavy garden work; start off with lighter jobs as this will lessen the chance of muscle strain.
Using a ladder
· When using a ladder or steps, make sure you are always facing it, keeping your shoulders, hips and knees pointing in the same direction.
· Rather than leaning or reaching, move the ladder or step regularly to keep up with where you are
· Any kind of ladder must be firmly and safely planted in position and, if possible, have someone else there to keep an eye on things.
Clever pruning
· Get as close as possible to the things you are pruning and avoid overstretching to reach the area you are dealing with.
· Invest in some long handled secateurs to reach plants and bushes that are beyond normal reach.
Take a break
· Vary your activity by spending no more than 20-30 minutes on any one thing and make sure you take regular breaks. Be clever with the paving
· If laying a patio, keep the slab close to your body and bend your knees; it is sometimes better to bend one knee rather two, as your supporting leg gives you a position of strength.
· If using railway sleepers, two people will probably be needed.
Plan ahead
· If you are planning a trip to the local DIY store to buy heavy items such as cement or gravel, buy smaller bags rather than one big bag as they are easier and safer to carry.
· If you do buy heavy items, use a trolley and if on your own, ask an assistant at the store to help you. If buying things like compost, sand or gravel in bulkier amounts, shovel the contents of the large bags straight into smaller containers or wheelbarrow from the back of the car.
· Don’t lift with your arms straight out, keep the elbows bent and to your side to minimise the stress on your back.
· If having items delivered, have them unloaded as close to where you need them as possible; this will save the effort of moving them again.
· A specialist garden trolley might be worth investing in to move these sorts of materials around, especially if you have lots of patio pots to move around as well.
Courtesy of British Chiropractic Association
When it comes to good physical and mental health, it's not a big surprise that research has shown January is the worst month of the year. All contributed to by the days being short, cold, and wet (let's not forget the come down from the festive period), and the summer feeling so far out of reach.
This January we wont let these feelings get to us, the tough year that was 2020 is finally behind us and we are looking forward to a better a new year, with hope and a chance to start a fresh.
There have been constant challenges affecting our ability to get in to our usual routines with lockdowns and gym closures, BUT there are still so many ways to get active again. So, how can we build ourselves up to become active again?
Once restrictions are eased there will be even more for you to do!
How can we relax and alleviate some stress?
Watch a light hearted/funny movie or even some videos - let's face it, who doesn't like watching funny cat and dog videos.
Do something you enjoy, whether that's getting lost in a good book, drawing, painting, walking etc. It doesn't matter what it is, just find some time in your day to do it. It may spark some old habits you once enjoyed!
Switch off from your work life - once the time comes at the end of your working day, turn your laptop, emails or your phone off. Separate yourself from it to give you that time to focus on you.
All of these things contribute to your mental health and overall wellbeing to make you feel better, so if you are feeling low..
Talk to someone, as 'another problem shared is another one halved' as they say.
Reach out to others who you may feel needs some support and you can always do this virtually or over the phone - please do not be afraid to reach out!
Although talking therapies, counsellors and hypnotherapists may not be providing face-to-face appointments, they are still supporting patients via video sessions.
Our Clinical Hypnotherapist/Psychotherapist Sue Pitman DHP, HPD, MNCH(Reg) is here to help, for more details please visit her page: https://www.thewhitchurchclinic.co.uk/twc-other-therapies/hypnotherapy/
The Public Health Sectors are launching the 'Better Health - Every Mind Matters' campaign to support the nation's mental wellbeing with the encouragement that 'When things aren't so good out there, make inside feel better'. The campaign is being supported by the NHS, local authorities and a range of mental health charities, health organisations, as well as other charities and commercial sector partners.
They have very helpful information and advise about anxiety, low moods, stress, sleep and others.
To find the information you may need on The Every Mind Matters Platform, please click the image below.